Consultation Responses

European Union

DCGG Response to EC Call for Feedback on the Regulation for Financial Data Access (FIDA)

DCGG Response to EC Call for Feedback on the Payment Services Regulation (PSR)

DCGG Response to EC Call for Feedback on the Revised Payment Services Directive (PSD3)

DCGG Response: IOSCO Policy Recommendations for Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

DCGG Response: EBA Consultation on revised Guidelines on ML/TF risk factors (EBA/CP/2023/11)

DCGG: Public Comment on IOSCO’s Crypto and Digital Assets Markets Recommendations

DCGG FSB Global Stablecoins Recommendations Consultation Response

DCGG Response – HMT Cryptoassets Consultation

Response to Request for Consultation on HM Treasury’s proposed Future Financial Services Regulatory Regime for Cryptoassets

DCGG: On the Digital Euro

Response to Request for Consultation on HM Treasury’s proposed Future Financial Services Regulatory Regime for Cryptoassets

United Kingdom

DCGG Response to the FCA Guidance Consultation GC23/1: Guidance on cryptoasset financial promotions

DCGG Response to the HM Treasury and Bank of England Digital Pound Consultation

DCGG Response – HMT Cryptoassets Consultation

Response to Request for Consultation on HM Treasury’s proposed Future Financial Services Regulatory Regime for Cryptoassets.

DCGG: Consultation response on the amendments on the MLR Regulations 2017 SI 2022

DCGG responds to the HM Treasury’s consultation on the Amendments to the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 Statutory Instrument 2022.

DCGG: Evidence on the UK’s AML/CTF regime

DCGG responds to HM Treasury’s call for evidence on a review of the UK’s AML/CTF regulatory and supervisory regime.

DCGG: Consultation response on the UK’s approach to cryptocurrencies and stablecoins

DCGG responds to HM Treasury’s consultation and call for evidence on the UK regulatory approach to cryptoassets, stablecoins and DLT in financial markets.

DCGG: Consultation response Managing the failure of systemic DSA firms

DCGG responds to HM Treasury’s consultation on Managing the failure of systemic Digital Settlement Asset (including stablecoin) firms

DCGG: Consultation response on UK CBDC Call for Evidence

DCGG responds to the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee’s Call for evidence on a UK-issued Central Bank Digital Currency.