Navigating the digital assets policy landscape

A global membership association dedicated to empowering public affairs teams with targeted insights and support on political and regulatory developments in key markets.

In a complex political and regulatory environment, our team works to amplify the voice of the digital assets sector and bridge the gap between innovation and regulation in both public and private sectors.

OUR MARKETS United Kingdom European
United Arab Emirates Latin


Political and Regulatory Monitoring

Our experienced DCGG team provides in-depth and regular political monitoring updates and support in the locations that matter to you, providing targeted updates and advice on what it means for your business.

We monitor and analyse existing and forthcoming legislation to help our Members secure a safe and predictable future in the markets that matter to them.

We help our Members comply with the latest regulations by providing detailed analyses on the upcoming legislation against the backdrop of their business models.

Policy Advocacy

We support your efforts to reach the right people, with the right message, at the right time. Engaging in the policymaking process is often complex and time-intensive, and our team works to represent your views in relevant policy design in the locations that matter to your business.

We build relationships and engage with key policymakers and regulators through regular in-person meetings and organise dedicated events with relevant stakeholders.

We advocate on behalf of our Members to ensure that the voice of the digital asset industry is taken into account and a proportionate regulatory framework is developed.

Bespoke Support

From targeted briefings, updates, presentations and other materials we act as an extension of your policy and regulatory teams to support your regulatory and policy goals across different regions.

We help our Members comply with the latest regulations by providing detailed analyses on the upcoming legislation against the backdrop of their business models.

We support our Members by swiftly and thoroughly addressing their questions and concerns related to upcoming or ongoing legislative discussions.
Our Members